Some time ago a company had the theme of "Labor Safety Week":
"Security is a value."
It happens every year for a week in all companies in Brazil.
Today, analyzing this phrase I see that this idea can apply more than safety in work. I saw that because we all have our values. They are individual and change over time. It does not fit here, analyze whether for better or worse. Simply change. These changes have to do with our mental, cultural development and the environment in which we are inserted. Another thing I learned from a friend is that people do not have virtues or defects, they have characteristics and judgment whether it's virtue or defect depends on the importance and worth of each one that passes through their life.
As Shakespeare, an English writer and playwright, "friends are the family that allowed us to choose." Very well placed, since we always look for people who adapt to our way of acting and thinking. In a way, it is the so-called tribes in which we are inserted.
Invariably these "tribes" have a value in common; Age, philosophy of life, leisure, behavior, school, work, way of thinking, acting and a host of other things. As time goes by, values change in each other and almost always disperse, although some remain, for the most part, few. It may even be that they do not cease to be friends, but not at the same frequency and intensity.
Often we can not understand the behavior of a particular person. It may even be a relative or friend. If we can understand that it is a VALUE for person, we may understand, although it is not our right to agree or disagree.
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